Edward Fröhling

Spiritual Thinking

The Fruitful Tension of Fundamental Theology and Spirituality

Fundamental theology is a dialogue project – as self-assurance for the Church and as an apologia to doubters, believers of other religions and non-believers. It is concerned with the disclosure of one`s own motives that allow the faith to be acceptable and understandable as a form of thought and life. But what do mysticism and spirituality – from Dionysius Areopagita to Master Eckhart, from Johann Arndt to Nelly Sachs and Jon Sobrino – contribute to the dialogue project on the reassurance of faith?
Edward Fröhling makes this spiritual path of longing for God, experiencing God`s closeness and His hiddenness, God`s friendship and the knowledge of God on the path of life fruitful for the rational effort of approaching the mystery of God.

  • Confirmation of faith as a dialogue project
  • Fascinating connection of rational confrontation and spiritual experience
  • Inspiration for believers, seekers and doubters

ISBN: 978-3-7867-3141-2
ca. 208 pages
Format 14 x 22 cm
EUR ca. 22.00

The Author

Edward Fröhling

Edward Fröhling, SAC, doctor in theology, is a Junior Professor for Fundamental Theology and Theology of Spirituality at the Vallendar Philosophical-Theological College in Germany.