Margit Eckholt

Becoming Someone Else's Guest

Analysis of Faith with Michel de Certeau in Times of Intercultural and Interreligious Encounters

The French Jesuit Michel de Certeau (1925–1984) crossed the borders between disciplines – historical and cultural studies, philosophy and religious studies – and was an avant-garde thinker whose impulses for theology have only been discovered recently in the German-speaking world. In an impressive manner, he established the rift between faith and culture within the European context.

He creatively approached the major spiritual traditions of modernity – above all, in the school of his religious order's father Ignatius – and explored how these texts can become "music scores" through which the speech of God can be intoned anew.

In times when there is talk about a "Church on the move," evangelisation and new "missionary awakenings," Michel de Certeau guides theology towards a new analysis of faith: creatively, in search of new forms of language and in the service of a "Church in the making." In the fundamental theological analysis of faith as presented by Margit Eckholt in this book, "mysticism" and "mission" are the starting points for reflection – and are therefore the two moments that form the arc of tension in Michel de Certeau's life.

  • Opening new spaces of faith


ISBN: 978-3-7867-3233-4
240 pages
Format 14 x 22 cm
EUR 35.00

The Author

Margit Eckholt

Margit Eckholt, DTh, is a professor of Dogmatics with Fundamental Theology at the Institute for Catholic Theology at the University of Osnabrück.