Josephine Schwarz-Gerö

A Dad Is Not a Mom

What a Baby Needs from Its Father

While the role of the new mother is clear, there are many questions on the part of the father. If we set aside the social demands and moralizing attitudes about what a father must achieve today and instead ask what a baby needs from its father, the fog clears. New research findings show that the tasks of mother and father are very different and complement each other for a good development of the child. In short: The mother is the harbor that offers protection and a sense of emotional security. The father is the high seas: This is where the small child learns the joy of discovery and autonomy, which makes the father an important engine for development. Josephine Schwarz-Gerö explains how a father can fulfil his role in a way that is good for everyone. This makes it possible to defuse or even completely resolve conflicts, dissatisfaction and even special difficulties such as sleeping, crying and eating problems in babies.

  • For a relaxed father role
  • New research findings on the father’s tasks in the first three years of life

ISBN: 978-3-8436-1092-6
200 pages
Format 14 x 22 cm
EUR 17.00

The Author

© Privat

Josephine Schwarz-Gerö

For many years, Josephine Schwarz-Gerö was the Director of Infant Psychosomatics in the Children’s Department of the Wilhelminenspital in Vienna. She is currently in private practice as a psychotherapist and child therapist with teaching activities at the University of Vienna and the Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna.