Max Rinneberg / Ulrich Beckers

You Wake Up and Your Life is Gone

The story of my memory loss

The 17-year old Max Rinneberg lost his memory after he fell down the stairs. When he woke up in hospital, he didn´t recognize his parents and friends anymore. He even didn´t get anything out of his former hobbies like running marathon or playing soccer. Although he can still speak and write and knows everyday objects, he has lost his episodic memory, the archive of the personal history.
The now 26-year old had to reconquer everything forgotten tediously and reinvent himself, which is not possible without an existential crisis. How do you live without your past? Are you still the same? Is it just a loss or also a new freedom?
A moving life story which gives rise to questions about your own identity in an unusual way.

  • A young man on the search for his own identity
  • Touching and exceptional life story

ISBN: 978-3-8436-0873-2
Hardcover with dust jacket
232 pages
Format 14 x 22 cm
EUR 20.00

The Authors

© Georg Rinneberg

Max Rinneberg

Max Rinneberg, born in 1990, trained as insurance salesman and is now working as sommelier in a golf hotel in Tirol. When he was 17 years old, he lost his memory after he fell down the stairs. After his accident he had to start from scratch.

© Felix Groteloh

Ulrich Beckers

Ulrich Beckers is author, musician and comedian. Among others, he worked for Murat Topal and Eckart von Hirschhausen as copywriter and idea provider.