Nora Marie Ellermeyer

Life Fog

How I Survived Burnout and Depression as a Psychotherapist

Burnout and depression can affect anyone. The psychotherapist Nora Ellermayer is a woman of ac-tion. Studying, four children, building a house, training as a therapist, doctorate, founding a practice and a sick father: She easily manages all of this. Apparently. But suddenly, nothing works anymore. She is exhausted and burned out as fear spreads. Until she was no longer able to get up in the morn-ings, let alone even begin to cope with her everyday life or profession. She plunged into a deep dark depression that lasted for more than a year. She reports from two different perspectives in her book. As a psychotherapist, she provides compre-hensive and extensive information about burnout and depression. Secondly, she describes her path of suffering and healing as someone who is affected by it. This allows a lively and understandable view of what a depression means for those who go through it. This book is impressive and helpful for anyone who wants to know more about burnout and depression.

  • Widespread disease of exhaustion depression
  • From a therapist who knows what she’s talking about since she’s personally affected
  • Truly helpful

ISBN: 978-3-8436-1063-6
Hardcover with dust jacket
180 pages
Format 14 x 22 cm
EUR 20.00

Title in German

The Author

© Waldemar Konietzko Fotografie

Nora Marie Ellermeyer

Nora-Marie Ellermeyer is a psychotherapist in private practice with a degree in psychology. She is married and has 4 children.