Birgit Saalfrank

I, Birgit, Autist and Psychotherapist

Birgit Saalfrank is a psychotherapist. For years, she lived in various roles: competitive athlete, loving partner in a relationship, successful director of a psychosocial centre – until everything became too much for her. She became severely depressed.
Then she coincidentally read a book about a woman with Asperger's syndrome and was shocked: »That's me!« But an autistic psychotherapist – that can't be! Birgit's world falls apart. At the same time, she began to understand herself better: her relationship problems, the constant overtaxing at work and her depressions – all of this suddenly made sense.
In her very personal book, Birgit describes how she increasingly finds herself through various psycho-therapies and especially psychoanalytic treatment. She learns to accept herself as she is and can ultimately lead a happy life – even if this means giving up her profession as a psychotherapist.

  • An autistic psychotherapist's life path
  • Unusual inside views of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis

ISBN: 978-3-8436-1117-6
Hardcover with dust jacket
ca. 240 pages
Format 14 x 22 cm
EUR ca. 24.00

Title in German

The Author

© Privat

Birgit Saalfrank

Birgit Saalfrank, qualified psychologist and psychological psychotherapist with a focus on behavioural therapy, was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at the age of 39. After a number of inpatient stays at psychosomatic and psychiatric clinics, she retired early in 2012. Since 2011, she has been involved in self-help for Asperger’s. She has been working in a social project for people with psychological disorders since 2014.