Enjoying Easter

Brunch - Easter dinner - coffee time

Celebrating Easter with friends and family, hunting for painted eggs, excitement about the first spring flowers outdoors and a fresh braided yeast bread on the table – anyone looking forward to these things will find just the right recipes in this heavenly Easter cookbook, from brunch to Good Friday fish to a big Easter feast.
Innovative recipes bring a fresh twist to old traditions: raisin buns and Dutch macaroons are delightful served with coffee, while puff pastry suns and quail eggs provide culinary delights for brunch guests. Inspiring photos will have you looking forward to Easter and excited about setting a beautiful table to celebrate the special day.

  • High quality design and materials
  • Includes elegant food photography and impressions

ISBN: 978-3-7995-1162-9
Hardcover with reading ribbon
152 pages
with numerous photos
Format 19 x 24 cm
EUR 24.00

Title in German