Notker Wolf

There Is Also Another Way

How Benedictine Monks Deal with Power and Authority

The question of how to deal with power affects all areas of life in society, the economy and the Church. As an archabbot, abbot president and abbot primate, Notker Wolf has exercised leadership responsibility for decades in the monastery, in the congregation and ultimately for the Benedictine monks throughout the world. He tells of his experiences and encounters in this book. In an entertaining way, he reflects on the use of power and the growth of authority among the monks – and not only there. It includes an outlook on leadership "after Corona."

  • The wisdom of the Rule of Benedict
  • Concise and to the point
  • Relevant to the "Synodal Way"

ISBN: 978-3-8436-1262-3
Hardcover with book ribbon
96 pages
Format 12 x 17 cm
EUR 12.00

Title in German

The Author

© Franz Dilger

Notker Wolf

Dr. Notker Wolf is the Abbot Primate Emeritus of the Benedictine Confederation. He began his professional career as a professor for natural philosopher and philosophy of science in Rome. In 1977, he became the Archabbot of St. Ottilien and Abbot President of the Missionary Benedictines. Since then he has been active around the globe and committed to the inter-religious dialogue. From 2000-2016, he was the Abbot Primate in Rome and therefore the spokesman for everyone in the Benedictine Order throughout the world. He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, a well-known rock musician, a popular speaker and bestselling author. He lives in St. Ottilien, Germany.